Monday, December 9, 2013

High Impact Journal: ISI vs Scopus

(credit to Prof KJ -

Free Access..

(for example, Journal of Supply Chain Management)

Only show, coverage: Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) refer to picture above

 H Index: 24, it show Q1 (to confirm, we can check with ISI / Journal Citation Reports)

Subscribe Access
  • Journal Citation Reports (JCR)
 Impact Factor (3.320), click Journal Ranking to know (Q1/Q2/Q3/Q4)

 Journal Ranking for Journal of Supply Chain Management: Q1

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Academician Career Roadmap: Read, Read and Read...

1) Strategies for Academic Writing (Hajibah Osman)
2) Secrets of Successful Journal Writing and Publication Revealed (Kamaruzaman Jusoff and Fareiny Morni)
3) Academician Career Roadmap (Kamaruzaman Jusoff and Siti Akmar Abu Samah)

* Bahan bacaan yang sesuai kepada semua academician, researchers dan pensyarah.. 

Monday, November 18, 2013

Two Days SEM/AMOS Workshop @ Wisma R&D Universiti Malaya

gambar bersama sifu SEM/AMOS: Prof Zainudin Awang & rakan2 bengkel yg lain..

sangat membantu researcher dalam menulis laporan result kajian..

latihan juga diberikan utk menilai kefahaman peserta.. terbaik

Friday, November 1, 2013

'8 reasons I rejected your article'

reject... gambar sekadar hiasan..hehe

A journal editor reveals the top reasons so many manuscripts don’t make it to the peer review process

1. It fails the technical screening.

Before they even go to the editor-in-chief, articles are checked for technical elements. The main reasons they are rejected are:
  • The article contains elements that are suspected to be plagiarized, or it is currently under review at another journal. (Republishing articles or parts of articles, submitting to one or more journals at the same time or using text or images without permission is not allowed. See our ethical guidelines.)
  • The manuscript is not complete; it may be lacking key elements such as the title, authors, affiliations, keywords, main text, references and all tables and figures).
  • The English is not sufficient for the peer review process,
  • The figures are not complete or are not clear enough to read.
  • The article does not conform to the Guide for Authors for the journal it is submitted to.
  • References are incomplete or very old.

2.  It does not fall within the Aims and Scope.

  • For the journal Carbon, the material studied may contain carbon, but is not carbon.
  • The study uses a carbon material but the focus is on something different.
  • There is no new carbon science.

3.  It’s incomplete.

  • The article contains observations but is not a full study.
  • It discusses findings in relation to some of the work in the field but ignores other important work.

4.  The procedures and/or analysis of the data is seen to be defective.

  • The study lacked clear control groups or other comparison metrics.
  • The study did not conform to recognized procedures or methodology that can be repeated.
  • The analysis is not statistically valid or does not follow the norms of the field.

5.  The conclusions cannot be justified on the basis of the rest of the paper.

  • The arguments are illogical, unstructured or invalid.
  • The data does not support the conclusions.
  • The conclusions ignore large portions of the literature.

6.  It’s is simply a small extension of a different paper, often from the same authors.

  • Findings are incremental and do not advance the field.
  • The work is clearly part of a larger study, chopped up to make as many articles as possible.

7.  It’s incomprehensible.

  • The language, structure, or figures are so poor that the merit can’t be assessed. Have a native English speaker read the paper. Even if you ARE a native English speaker. Need help? We offer language services.

8.  It’s boring.

  • It is archival, incremental or of marginal interest to the field (see point 6).
  • The question behind the work is not of interest in the field.
  • The work is not of interest to the readers of the specific journals.


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Journal Selector Software

It is not an easy task to select which journal is suitable for your paper. Usually, we need to go through all the reference to analyse which journal is suitable. Luckily, this link can be use to find suitable journal for our paper. :)

Paper Rater: Grammar & Plagiarism Checker

You also need to fill in other field such as Title, Works Cited (just put Nil if you don't have one) and choose answer for multiple choice for others question. For academic purpose, you can choose Research Paper. Then click button Get Report. One of available online tool that we can use to check our grammar and plagiarism.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Microsoft Translator (Paraphrase Software)

Sometimes we are having a hard time to paraphrase the paragraph. We need to paraphrase our paragraph especially if we want to publish part of our thesis as a journal. This is one of the software that LS used:

Friday, October 4, 2013

Best Paper Award @ IEBMC 2013

Alhamdulillah diberi kesempatan berada di Kuantan, Pahang pada 3 dan 4 Oktober 2013 baru-baru ini, sempena persidangan International Economic & Business Management Conference (IEBMC 2013) yang dianjurkan oleh College of Business Management & Accounting, Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN) bertempat di The Zenith Hotel, Kuantan.

Dalam persidangan ini, saya telah membentangkan kertas kerja yang bertajuk "Determinants for Supply Chain Agility Practices: An Empirical Study on Malaysian Electrical and Electronics (E&E) firms". Penulisan kertas kerja ini adalah bersama dengan supervisor/penyelia sarjana saya di USM, Professor Dr Suhaiza Zailani yang sekarang telah berkhidmat di UM. Secara ringkasnya, kertas kerja ini bertitik tolak daripada isu-isu yang berkaitan dgn masalah tindak balas industri (E&E) terhadap persekitaran yang semakin tidak menentu (uncertainty). Akhirnya, kertas kerja ini mula mengkaji faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tindak balas yang kurang fleksibel dan dinamik yang berkaitan dgn E&E industri. Alhamdulillah, dengan izinNya, kertas kerja ini terpilih sebagai salah satu daripada 4 kategori 'Best Award Papers' bagi persidangan kali ini. Insya Allah, ini merupakan batu loncatan bagi saya untuk lebih berusaha menulis kertas kerja yang terbaik & berkualiti pada masa hadapan..amin 

Monday, September 30, 2013

Bagaimana Untuk Memilih Persidangan Akademik Yang Berkualiti

Gambar sekadar hiasan..hehe

Sebagai seorang pelajar pasca siswazah, tidak kira sama ada peringkat Sarjana atau Kedoktoran, kita sentiasa di dalam dilema memilih persidangan yang ingin disertai. Disini saya ingin berkongsi tips yang serba sedikit dapat membantu kita dalam memilih persidangan yang berkualiti disebabkan kekangan sebagai pelajar seperti masa, kewangan dan juga pengalaman.

  1. Target the numbers: (Going to 4 to 6 conferences is already more than enough; di sini maksudnya bukan bilangan persidangan yang dikira, tetapi kualiti persidangan tersebut yang dipandang, contohnya, Persidangan Antarabangsa yang dianjurkan oleh pihak Universiti).
  2. Submit to Annual Conference: (Apabila kita sudah target bilangan persidangan yang ingin disertai, kita perlu memilih persidangan yang dianjurkan secara annually bukannya eventual conference. Ini kerana, annually conference lebih established jika dibandingkan dengan eventual conference, contohnya, Asia-Pacific Management Conference, Asian Academy of Management Conference).
  3. Hosted by University
  4. Back-up by Good Journal: boleh rujuk disini, 
  5. Have best paper award
  6. Value for money
  7. Closing Remarks

Sumber Rujukan: 


Monday, September 9, 2013

Persidangan ICIDSC 2014

Innovation is becoming increasingly critical for the future of the Supply Chain Industries. The International Conference in Innovation Driven Supply Chain addresses this fundamental issue as being mission critical in today’s fast moving business environment. Given this theme, the conference is purposefully designed to bring both Academicians and Practitioners to explore the phenomenon of innovation that drives Supply Chain activities. The conference is expected to generate insights, tacit knowledge, skills and capabilities for the people in the supply chain industry to create and deliver new and innovative solutions to many of the corporate challenges confronting businesses operating in different segments or industries to make real improvements in their business to stay competitive in the marketplace.

The conference theme, Innovation Driven Supply Chain: Making a Difference”, draws attention to under-examined issues, rarely heard voices, and under-represented scholarly perspectives in Supply Chain Innovation. While open to all of your best work, this international conference seeks to encourage symposia and paper offerings that build bridges by:
  • Increasing participation from management that has played an important role in the innovation of Supply Chain.
  • Interdisciplinary papers with a focus on multiple levels of analysis are eagerly sought.
  • Papers and symposia that include academic scholars and industry professionals coming from diverse locations and backgrounds are particularly encouraged, as the best way to foster cross-border dialogue is to include individuals from a range of backgrounds.
As literature of Supply Chain is increasingly growing, tremendous opportunities are available for achieving strategic competitiveness through strategic innovations in all areas of supply chain. Understanding and absorbing the innovative practices is best done through dialogue. To the extent possible, this conference will emphasize interactive sessions, where the audience has more than a passive role to play and where the presenters seek to build on each other's contributions. The conference committee fosters open dialogue and forum among and across the traditional functional areas of business and innovation centered supply-chain management.

  • To create and deliver new and innovative state -of -the -art solutions to challenges faced by Supply Chain academicians and industry practitioners.
  • To develop outstanding Supply Chain players with the necessary resources and innovative approaches  to complement the substantial investment in this industry
  • To present a stage for debate and dissemination of research findings emerging in the fields of supply chain innovation and other inter-related fields.
  • To offer avenue for discussing contemporary trends, issues and challenges in supply chain research and decision-making.

Innovation Driven Supply Chain: Making a Difference

We welcome you to submit research papers and case studies on topics relating to the conference themes and sub-themes (or tracks). Paper submissions are categorized into fourteen tracks. Each paper must be submitted to only one track. (Sub-theme will be modified later).  The following list is not exhaustive and topics not included here will be considered:
  • Supply Chain Innovation
  • Supply Chain Strategy
  • Supply Chain Technology
  • Supply Chain Optimization
  • Supply Chain Sustainability
  • Supply Chain Performance
  • Supply Chain Global
  • Supply Chain Quality
  • Demand Driven Supply Chain
  • End-to-End Supply Chain
  • Responsive Supply Chain
  • Supply Chain Distribution
  • Supply Chain Logistics
  • Retail Supply Chain


Submission of Abstracts
Note that an abstract should contain between 200 - 300 words, outlining the background, methodology, and the results of your research. Include up to six keywords and topic area in your submission. Please go to this link to submit your abstract online.

Submission of Full Papers
All manuscripts must be original and should not have been previously accepted in another conference or be under review at another conference. They must be original and unpublished. Manuscripts must be prepared using Microsoft Word. The manuscript must be single spaced, have 1-inch margins on all four sides and full-justified style, be in Times Roman font at 10 points with the exception of the title, which must be at11 points. As a guide, articles must be between 3,000 and 4,000 words in length. A title of not more than 10 words should be provided.

All manuscripts must be written in English and should not exceed 15 pages including tables, charts and references. Abstracts without full papers will not be accepted. All manuscripts will be blind reviewed by the members of the conference committee to ensure that an adequate standard is maintained as per submission guideline.

The author (s) will be informed about the outcome along with the reviewers' comments within three weeks from the arrival date of manuscript. The final version (camera ready) of the paper must be prepared on the basis of reviewers' comments and submitted by 15 January 2014. Please go to this link to submit your full paper and Camera ready paper online.

Papers selected for the presentation at the conference will be published in the Conference Proceedings CD only if at least one author registers andattends the conference. Selected papers, after the reviewing process, will be published in International Journal of Supply Chain Management (IJSCM), ISSN: 2050-7399 (Online)2051-3771 (Print),

You are welcome to organize a special session related to any topic within the broad area of Operations and Supply Chain Management. Special session proposals should be sent to Prof. Dr. Premkumar Rajagopal (, the conference Honorary Chair.

The conference will be held at the modern AIMST Campus in Bujang Valley, Malaysia. AIMST University is about an hour drive from Penang International Airport.

All traveling and accommodation expenses will be borne by participants. Participants are to arrange for their own accommodation. We have accommodation facilities at the University which perhaps some participants could choose but we would recommend participants to stay in Cinta Sayang Golf resort ( --- a really good place to stay). The resort is only 15 mins from AIMST University and the committee will arrange a shuttle. An alternative place to stay is Park Avenue, a nearby hotel, 20 minutes from AIMST University. You can see the hotel web site at

Further Details
If you have further inquiries about the ICIDSC 2014 conference, please e-mail the conference secretariat at or

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Blacklisted Journals by KPT

FOUR (4) publishers NOT Recognized by Malaysia Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE):
  1. EuroJournals Inc.
  2. Common Ground Publishing
  3. Academic Journals
  4. African World Press
List of Journals by Euro Journals Inc

  • Indexed by Scopus
  1. European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences
  2. European Journal of Scientific Research
  3. European Jounal of Social Sciences
  4. International Research Journal of Finance and Economics
  5. American Journal of Scientific Research

  • Not indexed by ISI WOS or Scopus
  1. American Journal of Scientific Research
  2. European Journal of Technology and Advanced Engineering Research
  3. International Bulletin of Business Administration
  4. International Journal of African Studies
  5. International Journal of Soft Computing Applications
  6. Journal of Money, Investment and Banking
  7. Middle Eastern Economics and Finance
  8. Research Journal of International Studies
  9. The Review of Financial and Accounting Studies

List of Journals by Common Ground Publishing
  • Indexed by Scopus
  1. International Journal of Learning
  2. International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management
  3. International Journal of the Humanities
  4. The International Journal of the Inclusive Museum
  5. The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
  6. The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability

  • Not indexed by ISI WOS or Scopus
  1. Aging and Society: An Interdisciplinary Journal
  2. Design Principles and Practices: An International Journal
  3. Food Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal
  4. International Journal of Science in Society
  5. Spaces and Flows: An International Journal of Urban and Extra-Urban Studies
  6. The Global Studies Journal
  7. The International Journal of Climate Change
  8. The International Journal of Health, Wellness and Society
  9. The International Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Society
  10. The International Journal of Sport and Society
  11. The International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society
  12. The International Journal of the Arts in Society
  13. The International Journal of the Book
  14. The International Journal of the Constructed Environment
  15. The International Journal of the Image
  16. The Journal of the World Universities Forum
  17. Ubiquitous Learning: An International Journal

List of Journals by Academic Journals

  • Indexed by ISI WOS or Scopus (Impact Factor Journal)
  1. African Journal of Agricultural Research
  2. African Journal of Biotechnology
  3. African Journal of Business Management
  4. African Journal of Microbiology Research
  5. African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology
  6. Educational Research and Reviews
  7. International Journal of Genetics and Molecular Biology
  8. International Journal of the Physical Sciences
  9. Journal of Medical Plants Research
  10. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy
  11. Scientific Research and Essays

  • Not indexed by ISI WOS or Scopus
  1. Journal of Plant Breeding and Crop Science
  2. Journal of Horticulture and Forestry
  3. International Journal of Livestock Production
  4. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquaculture
  5. Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics
  6. Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology and Sustainable Development
  7. Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development
  8. Journal of Cereals and Oilseeds
  9. Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management
  10. Journal of Stored Products and Postharvest Research
  11. International Journal of Psychology and Counselling
  12. Philosophical Papers and Reviews
  13. International Journal of Educational Administration and Policy Studies
  14. International Journal of Vocational and Technical Education
  15. African Journal of History and Culture
  16. International Journal of Library and Information Science
  17. Journal of Media and Communication Studies
  18. International Journal of English and Literature
  19. Journal of African Studies and Development
  20. Journal of Fine and Studio Art
  21. Journal of Languages and Culture
  22. Journal of Music and Dance
  23. International Journal of Science and Technology Education Research
  24. Journal of Physical Education and Sport Management
  25. Journal of Cell and Animal Biology
  26. Biotechnology and Molecular Biology Reviews
  27. African Journal of Biochemistry Research
  28. African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology
  29. African Journal of Food Science
  30. African Journal of Plant Science
  31. Journal of Ecology and the Natural Environment
  32. Journal of Entomology and Nematology
  33. Journal of Bacteriology Research
  34. Journal of Bioinformatics and Sequence Analysis
  35. Journal of General and Molecular Virology
  36. International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation
  37. Journal of Biophysics and Structural Biology
  38. Journal of Evolutionary Biology Research
  39. Journal of Yeast and Fungal Research
  40. International Journal of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
  41. Journal of Brewing and Distilling
  42. Journal of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Research
  43. Journal of Developmental Biology and Tissue Engineering
  44. Journal of Microbiology and Antimicrobials
  45. International Journal for Biotechnology and Molecular Biology Research
  46. Journal of Engineering and Technology Research
  47. International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental
  48. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science
  49. Journal of Civil Engineering and Construction Technology
  50. International Journal of Computer Engineering Research
  51. Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Research
  52. Journal of Engineering and Computer Innovations
  53. Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research
  54. Journal of Petroleum and Gas Engineering
  55. Journal of Law and Conflict Resolution
  56. International Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences
  57. Journal of Dentistry and Oral Hygiene
  58. International Journal of Nursing and Midwifery
  59. Journal of Parasitology and Vector Biology
  60. Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Health
  61. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Sciences
  62. Clinical Reviews and Opinions
  63. International Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism
  64. Journal of AIDS and HIV Research
  65. Journal of Cancer Research and Experimental Oncology
  66. Journal of Cell Biology and Genetics
  67. Journal of Clinical Immunology and Immunopathology Research
  68. Journal of Clinical Medicine and Research
  69. Journal of Clinical Pathology and Forensic Medicine
  70. Journal of Diabetes and Endocrinology
  71. Journal of Infectious Diseases and Immunity
  72. Journal of Medical Genetics and Genomics
  73. Journal of Medical Laboratory and Diagnosis
  74. Journal of Metabolomics and Systems Biology
  75. Journal of Neuroscience and Behavioral Health
  76. Journal of Physiology and Pathophysiology
  77. Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology
  78. Medical Case Studies
  79. Medical Practice and Reviews
  80. Research in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
  81. International NGO Journal
  82. International Journal of Peace and Development Studies
  83. African Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science Research
  84. African Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry
  85. Journal of Geology and Mining Research
  86. Journal of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology
  87. Journal of Internet and Information Systems
  88. Journal of Oceanography and Marine Science
  89. Journal of Petroleum Technology and Alternative Fuels
  90. Journal of Geography and Regional Planning
  91. African Journal of Political Science and International Relations
  92. Journal of Economics and International Finance
  93. Journal of Hospitality Management and Tourism
  94. Journal of Accounting and Taxation
  95. International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology
  96. Journal of Public Administration and Policy Research
  97. African Journal of Marketing Management


# Refer to Editorial Board from

YBhg. Prof. Dr. Azlinah Hj. Mohamed

YBhg. Prof. Dr. Saadiah Yahya

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Siti Zaleha Zainal Abidin

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rosmawati Nordin

YBhg. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Datin Noor Habibah Hj Arshad
Assoc. Prof. Dr.Muthukkaruppan Annamalai
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nursuriati Jamil
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Haryani Harun
Dr. Nasiroh Omar
Dr. Siti Salwa Salleh
Dr. Noor Elaiza Abd Khalid
Dr. Fakariah Hani Hj. Mohd. Ali
Dr. Kamarularifin Abd. Jalil
Dr. Zolidah Kasiran
Dr. Wan Adilah Wan Adnan
Dr. Wan Rahim Wan Mohd Isa
Dr. Fariza Hanis Abdul Razak
Dr. Shuzlina Abd Rahman
Dr. Marina Yusoff

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