"You have brains in your head and feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own and know what you know. And, you are the only one that will decide where to go.."
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Journal Selector Software
It is not an easy task to select which journal is suitable for your
paper. Usually, we need to go through all the reference to analyse which
journal is suitable. Luckily, this link can be use to find
suitable journal for our paper. :)
Paper Rater: Grammar & Plagiarism Checker
You also need to fill in other field such as Title, Works Cited (just
put Nil if you don't have one) and choose answer for multiple choice for
others question. For academic purpose, you can choose Research Paper.
Then click button Get Report. One of available online tool that we can use to check our grammar and plagiarism.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Microsoft Translator (Paraphrase Software)
Sometimes we are having a hard time to paraphrase the paragraph. We need
to paraphrase our paragraph especially if we want to publish part of
our thesis as a journal. This is one of the software that LS used:
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Friday, October 4, 2013
Best Paper Award @ IEBMC 2013
Alhamdulillah diberi kesempatan berada di Kuantan, Pahang pada 3 dan 4 Oktober 2013 baru-baru ini, sempena persidangan International Economic & Business Management Conference (IEBMC 2013) yang dianjurkan oleh College of Business Management & Accounting, Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN) bertempat di The Zenith Hotel, Kuantan.
Dalam persidangan ini, saya telah membentangkan kertas kerja yang bertajuk "Determinants for Supply Chain Agility Practices: An Empirical Study on Malaysian Electrical and Electronics (E&E) firms". Penulisan kertas kerja ini adalah bersama dengan supervisor/penyelia sarjana saya di USM, Professor Dr Suhaiza Zailani yang sekarang telah berkhidmat di UM. Secara ringkasnya, kertas kerja ini bertitik tolak daripada isu-isu yang berkaitan dgn masalah tindak balas industri (E&E) terhadap persekitaran yang semakin tidak menentu (uncertainty). Akhirnya, kertas kerja ini mula mengkaji faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tindak balas yang kurang fleksibel dan dinamik yang berkaitan dgn E&E industri. Alhamdulillah, dengan izinNya, kertas kerja ini terpilih sebagai salah satu daripada 4 kategori 'Best Award Papers' bagi persidangan kali ini. Insya Allah, ini merupakan batu loncatan bagi saya untuk lebih berusaha menulis kertas kerja yang terbaik & berkualiti pada masa hadapan..amin
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